The way I fucked Debian and Devuan, cause they are bitches!

 What do Debian and Devuan in common?  They proclaim to be a community open for all and to ensure diversity as well respecting  and tolerating different opinions! 

Debian has a Social Contract and on their website you can read the Debian philosophy. While reading all these shiny sentences, you may think  that all Debian peeps are open-minded and they are able to discuss with arguments!

Arguments and discussions - everybody should have the capability to discuss in a serious way and not start whining like Debian and Devuan peeps are doing. If you are asking questions, which are not liked - you get be quiet or directly banned on their IRC channels, Telegram groups etc. 

Banning or setting people quiet asking and answering with arguments and telling facts is abuse and misunderstanding of the social contract. 

Let me say that several people have experienced negative situations in Debian and Devuan because they have replied with facts!!!! OH FACTS!? WHAT ARE FACTS? Sorry for using facts Dear Debian and Devuan!  


Suppressing other opinions if they are not okay in your fucking shiny, fancy and utopian greeny fake world! You are not able to discuss with serious arguments! YOU feel strong of the Debian Community and Devuan Community if you ban people! Are you really strong? LMAO!!! NOPE!!! YOU ARE A POORISH PEEP! ALONE YOU ARE NONE! YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY COURAGE DOING THIS! BUT COMMUNITY OF SJWs?! I fuck them!

Strength is to discuss, talk and solve the problem! Not setting people quiet or banning them if you are not in the hyping wave of SJWs and Co.!!  

What have I learned from these bitches and what can you learn now?

The result is pretty easy: Open your eyes, be aware of SJWs, reflect and think about the distros you are using!  Do you really need a community of peeps to use a Linux OS? 

You have the choice to fuck the Debian and Devuan bitches! Use other Linux distros or try FreeBSD/GhostBSD! 

Now, it depends on you! Are you ready for the change and to cut off the chains of the SJWs? 

Don't be afraid of other retarded peeps! It is your life, your workflow, your choice how to go on! Don't let others rule about your brain and decision! Get rid of them and let them go into the deepest hell of devil!

Leave a comment with arguments! No trolling will be accepted! Uppssie.... not accepted :D 

Have fun!




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